MPHS Saliskote MPHS Saliskote
Aims & Objective
MPHS Saliskote To prepare the students for religious and social leadership in the realm of humanity.
To produce personalities ... read more
MPHS Saliskote Every single soul in the MPHS has to strictly adhere to the following obligatory instructions and the students are expected ... read more
MPHS Saliskote At the MPHS the courses taught are almost the ones taught as a trend in the state and for the higher standards the courses ... read more
Mutahhary Public High School Saliskote initialized as MPS-S is named in the commemoration of the great Islamic Scholar and Philosopher Martyr Murtaza Mutahhary whose works and efforts are recognized world over both by friends & foes. The school was commenced on the April the 2nd 1993 purposefully, (refer school visionary for details) as a primary standard institution and by the Grace and Bounty of the All Mighty the institution is now functioning as a High standard one being highly spoken of in the District. The MPHS is a privately run non political, non commercial institution imparting satisfactory education to the poor and middle class students of the remote Karchey area ...
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Principal’s Message
MPHS Saliskote Dear Students
It is a matter of great pleasure for us that our school management has inaugurated a school website with the address...
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MPHS Saliskote Mutahhary Public High School Saliskote, Kargil.
MPHS Saliskote +91 9469249334, +91 9419846982
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MPHS Saliskote
MPHS Saliskote
MPHS Saliskote
MPHS Saliskote
MPHS Saliskote