MPHS Saliskote MPHS Saliskote
Every single soul in the MPHS has to strictly adhere to the following obligatory instructions and the students are expected to show exemplary interest in the observations of these commandments. MPHS Saliskote
  1. Rules & Regulations of the institution are respectable and any breach thereof is unacceptable.
  2. The school flag is a symbol of honor, dignity, sacrifice, unity and integrity and guarding its sanctity is mandatory.
  3. Sanctity of the school is ought to be guarded at any cost.
  4. Teachers are held in high esteem in MPHS and mandatorily they are given due respects both by students and students.
  5. Civilized behavior is expected from all corners of the institution.
  6. All the school belongings are obligatory to be safe guarded.
  7. Political conversation of any kind is strictly prohibited within the school premises.
  8. Observation of Islamic dress code is essentially important especially for the girl students.
  9. Wearing of Neck Tie of any kind is prohibited for the students during school hours and the teachers and management members are advised not to encourage the same as well.
  10. In the matter of discipline the school management reserves the right to expel or fine the erring one from the school.
  11. Observation of proper uniform, rules, books and notebooks with related objects are compulsory and the MET reserves the right to initiate appropriate disciplinary action against the student intentionally ignoring the obligations.
  12. A person negligently causing a loss to school belongings has to pay in cash the double of the cost of the object.
  13. Efficient and dedicated teachers and brilliant and hardworking students are encouraged.
  14. 90% attendance is considered compulsory for a student to appear in terminal 1 exam and 95% for the terminal 2 exam save for unavoidable circumstances.
  15. Smoking and chewing of tobacco and other kinds of addiction materials, is strictly prohibited within the MPHS premises.
  16.  Use of mobile in class rooms both by students and teachers is prohibited.
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MPHS Saliskote
MPHS Saliskote
MPHS Saliskote